Der Darm, dein größtes Immunsystem
Wir sanieren alte Bauwerke, Bäder, verschmutze Gewässer oder einen maroden Haushalt, aber unseren Darm? Um ihn kümmern wir uns selten solange die Verdauung läuft.
Immer mehr Menschen werden sich bewusst, dass unsere Lebensweise dem Körper über die Jahre schadet. Es zeigen sich
unspezifische Symptome und meist wird lange geforscht, die Ursache dennoch nicht gefunden. Das Ziel einer Darmsymbioselenkung ist es, den Darm wieder in einen gesunden Zustand zu bringen.
Das bedeutet in erster Linie, die Zusammensetzung der
Darmflora so zu beeinflussen, dass sie alle Aufgaben für unsere Gesundheit erfüllen kann.
Der Darm ist für die Aufnahme lebenswichtiger Substanzen, wie z.B. Nährstoffe und Vitamine aus der Nahrung zuständig. 70 % aller Immunzellen befinden sich im Dünn- und Dickdarm; knapp 80 % aller Abwehrreaktionen laufen hier ab. Das macht den Darm zu einem enorm wichtigen Teil unseres
Immunsystems. Ist der Darm gesund, sind wir besser gegen viele verschiedene Krankheiten geschützt.
In unserem Körper gibt es eine unvorstellbare Anzahl von Bakterien. Viele dieser Bakterien arbeiten völlig unbemerkt, doch sind sie lebenswichtig. Wenn die Darmflora gestört ist, sind die Bakterien im Darm aus dem Gleichgewicht. Durch die Darmsymbioselenkung wird das Gleichgewicht wiederhergestellt, also das
gesunde Zusammenleben (Symbiose) der Bakterien wieder möglich.
Wie oft in deinem Leben hast du Antibiotika genommen? Wie viele Süßigkeiten hast du in deinem Leben genascht? Wieviel Alkohol getrunken? Auf so einiges wollen wir nicht verzichten, weil es zum Leben dazu gehört. Was verschiedene Genussmittel mit dem Darm machen erfahren wir erst, wenn sich erste Symptome zeigen.
Ein Darmcheck mit der Bestimmung der Darmflora und Entzündungsmarker aus dem Stuhl zeigt dir, wie gut dein Darm funktioniert, als Verwerter deiner Nahrung und als einer der wichtigsten Pfeiler für Dein Immunsystem. Darm, Bronchien und Haut hängen immer zusammen. Ist eines davon aus dem Gleichgewicht, können sich auch in den anderen Bereich Symptome zeigen.
Ein Ungleichgewicht der Darmflora kann sich in folgenden Symptomen äußern:
Durchfall, Blähungen, Verstopfung, Reizdarm, Magen- und Darmkrämpfe, unreine Haut, Neurodermitis, Erkältungskrankheiten und so einiges mehr.
Ich berate dich gerne, welche Art der Darmsymbioselenkung für dich richtig ist!
Denn nur ein gesunder Darm kann alle erforderlichen Nährstoffe aus der Nahrung aufnehmen und dem Körper zuführen, ihn damit vollständig versorgen und das Immunsystem stärken.
Viele meiner Patienten kommen zu mir in die Praxis mit folgenden Symptomen:
Verdauungsstörungen, Infektneigung, ständige Müdigkeit, Gewichtszunahme, rheumatische Beschwerden, Hautbeschwerden wie Neurodermitis, unreine Haut, Ausschläge, Schwächung des Immunsystems, Schmerzen im Ober- oder Unterbauch, Völlegefühl, ständig wiederkehrender Husten oder Bronchitis, etc.
Nachdem deine Darmflora wieder hergestellt ist, fühlst du dich fitter und gesünder, unspezifische Symptome können verschwinden und dein Immunsystem ist wieder stark, um gut durch die kalte Jahreszeit zu kommen.
Ablauf einer Darmsymbioselenkung:
Nach einer ausführlichen Erstanamnese bekommst du ein Testset von Labor mit nach Hause um den Stuhl einzuschicken. Wenn das Ergebnis da ist, erstelle ich dir eine individuelle Therapieempfehlung um deinen Darm zu unterstützen.
Ich berate dich gerne persönlich, welche Art der Darmsanierung für dich die sinnvollste ist und begleite dich durch diese Zeit der Umstellung!
Die Kosten einer Darmsymbioselenkung variieren je nach Umfang des Stuhltestes und meinem Zeitaufwand.
The intestine, your largest immune system
We renovate old buildings, bathrooms, polluted water or a dilapidated household, but what about our intestines? We rarely take care of them as long as digestion is going on.
More and more people are becoming aware that our lifestyle is damaging our bodies over the years.
non-specific symptoms
and usually a lot of research is carried out, but the cause is still not found. The aim of intestinal symbiosis control is to bring the intestine back to a healthy state.
This means, first and foremost, the composition of the
Intestinal flora
so that it can fulfil all the tasks for our health.
The intestine is responsible for
Absorption of vital substances
, such as nutrients and vitamins from food. 70% of all immune cells are located in the small and large intestine; almost 80% of all defense reactions take place here. This makes the intestine an extremely important part of our immune system. If the intestine is healthy, we are better protected against many different diseases.
There are an unimaginable number of bacteria in our body. Many of these bacteria work completely unnoticed, but they are vital. If the intestinal flora is disturbed, the bacteria in the intestine are out of balance. The balance is restored through intestinal symbiosis control, i.e. the
healthy coexistence (symbiosis)
the bacteria are possible again.
How often in your life have you taken antibiotics? How many sweets have you eaten in your life? How much alcohol have you drunk? There are some things we don't want to do without because they are part of life. We only find out what different stimulants do to the intestines when the first symptoms appear.
A bowel check with the determination of the intestinal flora and inflammatory markers from the stool shows you how well your intestine functions as a processor of your food and as one of the most important pillars for your immune system The intestines, bronchi and skin are always connected. If one of them is out of balance, symptoms can also appear in the other areas.
An imbalance of the intestinal flora can manifest itself in the following symptoms:
Diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach and intestinal cramps, impure skin, neurodermatitis, colds and much more.
I would be happy to advise you on which type of intestinal symbiosis control is right for you!
Only a healthy intestine can absorb all the necessary nutrients from food and supply them to the body, thereby completely supplying it and strengthening the immune system.
Many of my patients come to my practice with the following symptoms:
Digestive disorders, tendency to infections, constant tiredness, weight gain, rheumatic complaints, skin complaints such as neurodermatitis, impure skin, rashes, weakened immune system, pain in the upper or lower abdomen, feeling of fullness, constantly recurring cough or bronchitis, etc.
After your intestinal flora is restored, you will feel fitter and healthier , non-specific symptoms can disappear and your immune system is strong again to get through the cold season.
Process of intestinal symbiosis control:
After a detailed initial anamnesis, you will receive a test kit from the laboratory to take home to send in the stool. Once the results are in, I will make you an individual therapy recommendation to support your intestines.
I would be happy to advise you personally on which type of intestinal cleansing makes the most sense for you and accompany you through this time of transition!
The costs of intestinal symbiosis control vary depending on the extent of the stool test and the time required.
The intestine, your largest immune system
We renovate old buildings, bathrooms, polluted water or a dilapidated household, but what about our intestines? We rarely take care of them as long as digestion is going on.
More and more people are becoming aware that our lifestyle is damaging our bodies over the years.
non-specific symptoms
and usually a lot of research is carried out, but the cause is still not found. The aim of intestinal symbiosis control is to bring the intestine back to a healthy state.
This primarily means influencing the composition of the intestinal flora so that it can fulfil all the tasks necessary for our health.
The intestine is responsible for the absorption of vital substances, such as nutrients and vitamins from food. 70% of all immune cells are located in the small and large intestine; almost 80% of all defense reactions take place here. This makes the
Intestine is an extremely important part of our immune system
If the intestine is healthy, we are better protected against many different diseases.
There are an unimaginable number of bacteria in our body. Many of these bacteria work completely unnoticed, but they are vital. If the intestinal flora is disturbed, the bacteria in the intestine are out of balance. By controlling the intestinal symbiosis, the
restored, so the healthy coexistence (symbiosis) of the bacteria is possible again.
How often in your life have you taken antibiotics? How many sweets have you eaten in your life? How much alcohol have you drunk? There are some things we don't want to do without because they are part of life. We only find out what different stimulants do to the intestines when the first symptoms appear.
A bowel check with the determination of the intestinal flora and inflammatory markers from the stool shows you how well your intestine functions as a processor of your food and as one of the most important pillar for your immune system. The intestines, bronchi and skin are always connected. If one of them is out of balance, symptoms can also appear in the other areas.
An imbalance of the intestinal flora can manifest itself in the following symptoms:
Diarrhea, flatulence, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, stomach and intestinal cramps, impure skin, neurodermatitis, colds and much more.
I would be happy to advise you on which type of intestinal symbiosis control is right for you!
Only a healthy intestine can absorb all the necessary nutrients from food and supply them to the body, thereby completely supplying it and strengthening the immune system.
Many of my patients come to my practice with the following symptoms:
Digestive disorders, tendency to infections, constant tiredness, weight gain, rheumatic complaints, skin complaints such as neurodermatitis, impure skin, rashes, weakened immune system, pain in the upper or lower abdomen, feeling of fullness, constantly recurring cough or bronchitis, etc.
After your intestinal flora is restored, you will feel fitter and healthier , non-specific symptoms can disappear and your immune system is strong again to get through the cold season.
Process of intestinal symbiosis control:
After a detailed initial anamnesis, you will receive a test kit from the laboratory to take home to send in the stool. Once the results are in, I will make you an individual therapy recommendation to support your intestines.
I would be happy to advise you personally on which type of intestinal cleansing makes the most sense for you and accompany you through this time of transition!
The costs of intestinal symbiosis control vary depending on the extent of the stool test and the time required.
Hier findest du mich in München:
Naturheilpraxis Iovine
Hohenzollernstr. 112
80796 München
Hier findest du mich in München:
Naturheilpraxis Iovine
Hohenzollernstr. 112
80796 München
Hier findest du mich in München:
Naturheilpraxis Iovine
Hohenzollernstr. 112
80796 München
Naturopathy practice Patricia Hangl