How would it be if you felt good after every meal? If you were free from the feeling of fullness, free from stomach pain, you didn't have heartburn, your intestines functioned normally and you didn't have any symptoms after a meal. Do you also want to lose weight easily and without going hungry? Eat a varied and healthy diet....
Experts do not always agree on what the right diet is. There is no universal diet that is suitable for everyone. Every person is unique and needs the foods that best suit their own metabolism in order to be healthy and fit.
Many foods, especially fruit and vegetables, are generally considered to be very healthy. Which fruit and which vegetables are good for me? Does salad make you fat? If you are predisposed to it, almost any food can trigger delayed reactions and significantly reduce your quality of life.
As soon as you specifically avoid foods that your body cannot tolerate, your digestive tract regenerates, which can significantly improve your general well-being. Your digestive tract regenerates, your immune system calms down and inflammatory reactions subside.
No metabolism functions without vitamins, trace elements, minerals and amino acids! The body needs micronutrients that cannot be obtained in sufficient quantities and variety through food. These micronutrient or vital substance stores must be sufficiently filled in order to strengthen the immune system, improve concentration, brighten the mood and boost energy metabolism.
Every person is unique, so it is important to supply the vital substances that are optimally adapted to their specific needs.
With the
Bioenergetic saliva test
I can find out about food intolerances.
Ask yourself.....
Am I often tired and lacking energy?
If you answered "yes" to two or more questions, it makes sense to have an analysis done.
The analysis shows:
Which foods do you tolerate well?
In my consultation you will learn how you can easily change your diet using the list
After 3 months of metabolic change you feel.....
...more vital, have more energy and are more productive
...slimmer, fitter and more active
...more beautiful, because your skin will also benefit from the metabolic change
...healthier and you also prevent diseases that can arise from poor nutrition
The bioenergetic analysis consists of:
Food test, about 220 different foods are tested.
Metabolism test 150€
My consultation depends on the time required, but usually a detailed anamnesis about 1 hour before sending the test and a discussion about 1 hour after receiving the results.
Wie wäre es, wenn du dich nach jedem Essen wohl fühlst. Wenn du frei bist von Völlegefühl, frei von Magenschmerzen, du kein Sodbrennen hast, dein Darm ganz normal funktioniert und sich bei dir keinerlei Symptome nach einer Mahlzeit zeigen. Du willst noch dazu in Leichtigkeit und ohne zu hungern abnehmen? Dich vielseitig und gesund ernähren....
Nicht immer sind sich Experten darüber einig, welche die richtige Ernährung ist. Es gibt keine universelle Ernährungsform, die für jeden geeignet ist. Jeder Mensch ist einzigartig und benötigt um gesund und fit zu sein die Nahrungsmittel, die optimal zu seinem eigenen Stoffwechsel passen.
Viele Lebensmittel, insbesondere Obst und Gemüse, gelten allgemein als sehr gesund. Welches Obst, welches Gemüse ist gut für mich? Macht Salat dick? Nahezu jedes Lebensmittel kann bei entsprechender Veranlagung zeitversetzte Reaktionen auslösen und deine Lebensqualität erheblich einschränken.
Sobald du gezielt auf Lebensmittel verzichtest, die dein Körper nicht verträgt regeneriert sich dein Verdauungstrakt, damit kann sich auch dein allgemeines Befinden deutlich verbessern. Dein Verdauungstrakt regeneriert sich, das Immunsystem kommt zur Ruhe und entzündliche Reaktionen klingen ab.
Keine Stoffwechselfunktion ohne Vitamine, Spurenelemente, Mineralstoffe, Aminosäuren! Der Körper benötigt Mikronährstoffe die über die Nahrung nicht in ausreichender Menge und Vielfalt erhält. Diese Mikronährstoff- oder Vitalstoffspeicher müssen ausreichend gefüllt sein um das Immunsystem zu stärken, die Konzentration zu verbessern, die Stimmung aufzuhellen und den Energiestoffwechsel anzukurbeln.
Jeder Mensch ist einzigartig, deshalb ist es wichtig, die Vitalstoffe zuzuführen, die optimal seinen speziellen Bedürfnissen angepasst sind.
Mit dem Bioenergetischen Speicheltest kann ich Nahrungsmittelunverträglichkeiten herausfinden.
Frag dich.....
Wenn du zwei oder mehrere Fragen mit "ja" beantwortet hast, ist es sinnvoll eine Analyse erstellen zu lassen.
Die Analyse zeigt:
Nach 3 Monaten Stoffwechselumstellung fühlst du dich.....
Die Bioenergetische Analyse besteht aus:
Lebensmittel-Test, getestet werden ca. 220 verschiedene Lebensmittel.
Stoffwechseltest 150€
Meine Beratung gestaltet sich je nach Zeitaufwand, meist jedoch eine ausführliche Anamnese ca. 1 Std. vor Absenden des Tests und eine Besprechung ca. 1 Std. nach Erhalt der Auswertung.
How would it be if you felt good after every meal? If you were free from bloating, free from stomach pain, you had no heartburn, your intestines were functioning normally and you had no symptoms after a meal.
Do you also want to lose weight easily and without starving?
Eat a varied and healthy diet....
Experts do not always agree on what the right diet is. There is no universal diet that is suitable for everyone. Every person is unique and needs the foods that best suit their own metabolism in order to be healthy and fit.
Many foods, especially fruit and vegetables, are generally considered to be very healthy. Which fruit and which vegetables are good for me? Does salad make you fat? If you are predisposed to it, almost any food can trigger delayed reactions and significantly reduce your quality of life.
As soon as you specifically avoid foods that your body cannot tolerate, your digestive tract regenerates, which can significantly improve your general well-being. Your digestive tract regenerates, your immune system calms down and inflammatory reactions subside.
No metabolism functions without vitamins, trace elements, minerals and amino acids! The body needs micronutrients that cannot be obtained in sufficient quantities and variety through food. These micronutrient or vital substance stores must be sufficiently filled in order to strengthen the immune system, improve concentration, brighten the mood and boost energy metabolism.
Every person is unique, so it is important to supply the vital substances that are optimally adapted to their specific needs.
With the Bioenergetic saliva test I can find out about food intolerances.
Ask yourself.....
If you answered "yes" to two or more questions, it makes sense to have an analysis done.
The analysis shows:
After 3 months of metabolic change you feel.....
The bioenergetic analysis consists of:
Food test, about 220 different foods are tested.
Metabolism test 150€
My consultation depends on the time required, but usually a detailed anamnesis about 1 hour before sending the test and a discussion about 1 hour after receiving the results.
Hier findest du mich in München:
Naturheilpraxis Iovine
Hohenzollernstr. 112
80796 München
Hier findest du mich in München:
Naturheilpraxis Iovine
Hohenzollernstr. 112
80796 München
Hier findest du mich in München:
Naturheilpraxis Iovine
Hohenzollernstr. 112
80796 München
Naturopathy practice Patricia Hangl