Body Therapy

Body Therapy

Der Körper ist das Gefäß unserer Seele. Solange er funktioniert sind wir glücklich, bewegen uns frei und ohne Schmerzen. Wenn er aber beginnt uns Probleme zu bereiten, sind wir oft nicht gewillt näher hinzusehen. Wir sind es gewöhnt, dass er funktioniert, ohne das wir viel dafür tun.

In meiner Praxis verbinde ich Körper Therapie mit Seelen Therapie. Denn oft liegt die Ursache nicht nur im körperlichen Schmerz, auch der seelische Schmerz will gesehen werden. Jedes Gelenk, jedes Organ hat immer auch einen Bezug zu deiner Seele, zu deinen Gedanken.

Wenn du möchtest, finden wir gemeinsam heraus, was dein Körper, Geist und Seele brauchen um zu heilen. Ganzheitlich und nicht nur in der Behandlung deiner Symptome.

Ich freu mich auf dich!

Osteopathische Techniken


Ernährung und Darm




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Body Therapy

The body is the vessel of our soul. As long as it functions, we are happy, we move freely and without pain. But when it starts to cause us problems, we are often unwilling to take a closer look. We are used to it functioning without us doing much for it.

In my practice, I combine body therapy with soul therapy. Because often the cause is not just physical pain, but emotional pain also needs to be seen. Every joint, every organ always has a connection to your soul, to your thoughts.

If you want, we can find out together what your body, mind and soul need to heal. Holistically and not just in treating your symptoms.

I'm looking forward to you!

Osteopathic techniques

Vitamin deficiency

Nutrition and intestines

Metabolic change

Intestinal symbiosis control

Hormone therapy

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Body Therapy

The body is the vessel of our soul. As long as it functions, we are happy, we move freely and without pain. But when it starts to cause us problems, we are often unwilling to take a closer look. We are used to it functioning without us doing much for it.

In my practice, I combine body therapy with soul therapy. Because often the cause is not just physical pain, but emotional pain also needs to be seen. Every joint, every organ always has a connection to your soul, to your thoughts.

If you want, we can find out together what your body, mind and soul need to heal. Holistically and not just in treating your symptoms.

I look forward to you!

Osteopathic techniques

Vitamin deficiency

Nutrition and intestines

Metabolic change

Intestinal symbiosis control

Hormone therapy

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