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What does the personal soul image include?
In contrast to life analysis, which shows you what you can do with your talents, life and learning tasks, your personal soul picture can show you whether you are already aware of various behaviors on your part.
It's about recognizing mental, emotional and physical areas of your inner self. Do you already know what is holding you back from implementing certain things, or are you still in the dark? You can recognize what is still blocking you on a mental, emotional and physical level.
The soul image shows you your mental, spiritual path, that is, what experiences do you have in your mind, your thoughts. It is about recognizing what blocks, upsets, inspires and energizes your mind.
You will be shown the mystical, mysterious path of your soul. What feelings are still hidden that need to be experienced? What creative power lies dormant within you that you have not been allowed or wanted to show until now.
The soul image also relates to your body. What do you feel? What feeling are you still closed off to? What feeling do you long for but cannot make it tangible or perceptible for yourself?
At the level of the higher self, your superconsciousness, you gain insight into your mental abilities. What kind of mental assets do you bring with you? Are you aware of them and do you live them on all levels?
The level of your normal subconscious, which makes itself known in everyday life, is shaped by your previous experiences. Do you see it, do you feel the messages that your subconscious wants to convey to you? Your subconscious lives in the experiences of your childhood, your parents' home, your school and your entire environment. What are you living that is still firmly anchored in your subconscious but is acting against your soul's plan?
Your present, your daily consciousness, is always influenced by your subconscious. Here you can see how you act in your consciousness. We are often not entirely clear about this because our subconscious leads us to do things that we would not have done or said consciously.
The entire soul image represents your consciousness of change. This means that a transformation, change or improvement will occur in all areas if you have the will to work on yourself. Do you want stagnation or development? You can decide for yourself where you want to go in your life. The soul image is a good support for you in this.
Life is not about understanding things in every detail, but about doing them. Because only when we put our knowledge into practice will we be rewarded with the corresponding results.
When calculating your personal soul image, your date of birth plays a central role, because each number has its own value and therefore a special meaning in our lives.
We humans have always been concerned with the existential questions of life. Where do we come from? Where are we and where are we going? Your personal soul image can give you clear answers to these questions. It captures the person in their entirety, in the unity of body, mind and soul. Every person has their own life tasks and learning tasks that their soul has chosen for spiritual growth in their current life. The soul image helps you to gain more self-knowledge, gives your life meaning, the direction it is going in and a new perspective.
The personal soul image consists of two parts:
It is like a guide that will accompany you through your life. Depending on where you are at the moment, you can read whether you have already mastered your life tasks and where there are still challenges that you can work on in order to lead a healthy and happy life.
In addition to my life analysis, my personal soul image has given me further inspiration. Implementing this is a joyful process, as I now have all the information I need in my hands and it is up to me to make the best of it.
In addition to the soul image, I offer further analyses:
The personal soul picture is a wonderful, individual gift. You can also have it created for your partner, children, parents, friends and colleagues.
You can order the soul picture using the contact form, stating your date of birth, first name, last name, maiden name and all first names as they appear on your birth certificate. Plus your address for shipping.
You will receive an email from me with the invoice and payment details.
For delivery within and outside Germany:
After receipt of payment (transfer to my account or via PayPal) I will send you your bound copy by post.
We will then arrange an appointment for a path#finding conversation in person if you are near me or online via Zoom.
Creation of your personal soul picture, bound, including 60 minutes of personal conversation via telephone or online via Zoom
122 euros.
Soul Image Reading Sample
If you would like to have an insight into what your personal soul picture could look like, then click on the button "Download sample".
Was beinhaltet das persönliche Seelenbild?
Im Unterschied zur Lebensanalyse, die dir zeigt, was du aus deinen mitgebrachten Talenten, Lebens- und Lernaufgaben machen kannst, kann dir dein persönliches Seelenbild aufzeigen, ob du dir bereits über verschiedene Verhaltensweisen deinerseits bewusst bist.
Es geht hier um das Erkennen mentaler, gefühlter und körperlicher Bereiche deines Inneren. Weißt du bereits Bescheid, was dich noch zurückhält gewisse Dinge in die Umsetzung zu bringen, oder tappst du da noch im Dunkeln? Du kannst erkennen, was dich auf geistiger, seelischer und körperlicher Eben noch blockiert.
Das Seelenbild zeigt dir deinen geistigen, spirituellen Weg, d.h. welche Erfahrungen machst du in deinem Geist, deinen Gedanken. Hier geht es darum zu Erkennen was deinen Geist blockiert, aufwühlt oder inspiriert und beflügelt.
Dir wird der mystische, der geheimnisvolle Weg deiner Seele gezeigt. Welche Gefühle liegen noch im Verborgenen, die es zu leben gilt. Welche schöpferische Kraft schlummert in dir, die du bis jetzt noch nicht zeigen durftest oder wolltest.
Das Seelenbild bezieht sich auch auf deinen Körper. Was spürst du? Welchem Gefühl verschließt du dich noch? Nach welchem Gefühl sehnst du dich, kannst es aber nicht greifbar bzw. spürbar machen für dich?
Auf der Ebene des hohen Selbst, deinem Überbewusstsein bekommst du Aufschluss über deine geistigen Anlagen. Was für ein geistiges Gut bringst du mit? Bist du dir dessen bewusst und lebst es auf allen Ebenen?
Die Ebene deines normales Unterbewusstseins, das sich im Alltag meldet ist geprägt von deinen bisherigen Erfahrungen. Siehst du es, spürst du die Nachrichten, die dir dein Unterbewusstsein übermitteln möchte? Dein Unterbewusstsein lebt in den Erfahrungen deiner Kindheit, deines Elternhauses, deiner Schule und deiner gesamten Umwelt. Was lebst du, was noch fest in deinem Unterbewusstsein verankert ist, aber gegen deinen Seelenplan agiert?
Dein Jetzt, dein Tagesbewusstsein wird immer von deinem Unterbewusstsein beeinflusst. Hier kannst du erkennen, wie du in deinem Bewusstsein agierst. Oft sind wir uns nicht ganz im Klaren darüber, weil unser Unterbewusstsein uns zu Dingen verleitet, die wir bewusst nicht gemacht oder gesagt hätten.
Das gesamte Seelenbild repräsentiert dein Wandlungsbewusstsein. Das bedeutet, das in allen Bereichen eine Wandlung, eine Veränderung oder Verbesserung eintritt, wenn du den Willen hast an dir zu arbeiten. Möchtest du Stillstand oder Entwicklung? Du darfst für dich entscheiden wohin es gehen soll in deinem Leben. Das Seelenbild ist dir dabei eine gute Unterstützung.
Im Leben geht es nicht darum, dass wir Dinge bis ins kleinste Detail verstehen, sondern dass wir sie tun. Denn nur dann, wenn wir eine Erkenntnis in die Tat umsetzen werden wir auch mit den entsprechenden Resultaten belohnt.
Bei der Berechnung des persönlichen Seelenbildes spielt das Geburtsdatum die zentrale Rolle, denn jede Zahl hat ihren eigenen Wert und damit eine besondere Bedeutung in unserem Leben.
Wir Menschen beschäftigen uns seit jeher mit den existenziellen Fragen des Lebens. Woher kommen wir? Wo stehen wir und wohin gehen wir? Darauf kann Dir Dein persönliches Seelenbild klare Antworten geben. Es erfasst den Menschen in seiner Ganzheit, in Einheit von Körper, Geist und Seele. Jeder Mensch hat seine eigenen Lebensaufgaben und Lernaufgaben, die sich seine Seele für das geistige Wachstum für das jetzige Leben ausgesucht hat. Das Seelenbild verhilft Dir zu mehr Selbsterkenntnis, gibt Deinem Leben einen Sinn, die Richtung, in die es geht und eine neue Perspektive.
Das persönliche Seelenbild besteht aus zwei Teilen:
Es ist wie ein Leitfaden, der dich durch dein Leben begleiten wird. Je nachdem wo du gerade stehst kannst du nachlesen, ob du deine Lebensaufgaben bereits gemeistert hast und wo es noch Herausforderungen gibt, an denen du arbeiten kannst, um ein gesundes und glückliches Leben zu führen.
Mein persönliches Seelenbild hat mir zusätzlich zu meiner Lebensanalyse noch weitere Inspirationen mitgegeben. Diese umzusetzen ist ein freudiger Weg, da ich nun alle Informationen in Händen halte die ich brauche und es an mir liegt, das Beste draus zu machen.
Neben dem Seelenbild biete ich weitere Analysen an:
Das persönliche Seelenbild ist ein wundervolles, individuelles Geschenk. Du kannst es auch für Deinen Partner, Deine Kinder, Eltern, Freunde und Kollegen erstellen lassen.
Das Seelenbild kannst du mit dem Kontaktformular bestellen mit Angabe Deines Geburtsdatums, Vorname, Nachname, Geburtsname und alle Vornamen, wie sie in der Geburtsurkunde stehen. Dazu noch Deine Adresse für den Versand.
Du bekommst von mir eine Email mit der Rechnung und den Zahlungsmodalitäten.
Bei Lieferung innerhalb und außerhalb Deutschlands:
Nach Zahlungseingang (Überweisung auf mein Konto oder per PayPal) sende ich dir deine gebundene Ausgabe per Post zu.
Danach vereinbaren wir einen Termin zum Pfad#Findungsgespräch persönlich, wenn du in meiner Nähe bist oder online per Zoom.
Erstellung Deines persönlichen Seelenbildes, gebunden, inklusive 60 Minuten persönlichem Gespräch via Telefon oder Online per Zoom 122 Euro.
Seelenbild Leseprobe
Wenn du einen Einblick haben möchtest, wie dein persönliches Seelenbild aussehen könnte, dann klicke auf den Button "Leseprobe herunterladen".
What does the personal soul image include?
In contrast to life analysis, which shows you what you can do with your talents, life and learning tasks, your personal soul picture can show you whether you are already aware of various behaviors on your part.
It's about recognizing mental, emotional and physical areas of your inner self. Do you already know what is holding you back from implementing certain things, or are you still in the dark? You can recognize what is still blocking you on a mental, emotional and physical level.
The soul image shows you your mental, spiritual path, that is, what experiences do you have in your mind, your thoughts. It is about recognizing what blocks, upsets, inspires and energizes your mind.
You will be shown the mystical, mysterious path of your soul. What feelings are still hidden that need to be experienced? What creative power lies dormant within you that you have not been allowed or wanted to show until now.
The soul image also relates to your body. What do you feel? What feeling are you still closed off to? What feeling do you long for but cannot make it tangible or perceptible for yourself?
At the level of the higher self, your superconsciousness, you gain insight into your mental abilities. What kind of mental assets do you bring with you? Are you aware of them and do you live them on all levels?
The level of your normal subconscious, which makes itself known in everyday life, is shaped by your previous experiences. Do you see it, do you feel the messages that your subconscious wants to convey to you? Your subconscious lives in the experiences of your childhood, your parents' home, your school and your entire environment. What are you living that is still firmly anchored in your subconscious but is acting against your soul's plan?
Your present, your daily consciousness, is always influenced by your subconscious. Here you can see how you act in your consciousness. We are often not entirely clear about this because our subconscious leads us to do things that we would not have done or said consciously.
The entire soul image represents your consciousness of change. This means that a transformation, change or improvement will occur in all areas if you have the will to work on yourself. Do you want stagnation or development? You can decide for yourself where you want to go in your life. The soul image is a good support for you in this.
Life is not about understanding things in every detail, but about doing them. Because only when we put our knowledge into practice will we be rewarded with the corresponding results.
When calculating your personal soul image, your date of birth plays a central role, because each number has its own value and therefore a special meaning in our lives.
We humans have always been concerned with the existential questions of life. Where do we come from? Where are we and where are we going? Your personal soul image can give you clear answers to these questions. It captures the person in their entirety, in the unity of body, mind and soul. Every person has their own life tasks and learning tasks that their soul has chosen for spiritual growth in their current life. The soul image helps you to gain more self-knowledge, gives your life meaning, the direction it is going in and a new perspective.
The personal soul image consists of two parts:
It is like a guide that will accompany you through your life. Depending on where you are at the moment, you can read whether you have already mastered your life tasks and where there are still challenges that you can work on in order to lead a healthy and happy life.
In addition to my life analysis, my personal soul image has given me further inspiration. Implementing this is a joyful process, as I now have all the information I need in my hands and it is up to me to make the best of it.
In addition to the soul image, I offer further analyses:
The personal soul picture is a wonderful, individual gift. You can also have it created for your partner, children, parents, friends and colleagues.
You can order the soul picture using the contact form, stating your date of birth, first name, last name, maiden name and all first names as they appear on your birth certificate. Plus your address for shipping.
You will receive an email from me with the invoice and payment details.
For delivery within and outside Germany:
After receipt of payment (transfer to my account or via PayPal) I will send you your bound copy by post.
We will then arrange an appointment for a path#finding conversation in person if you are near me or online via Zoom.
Creation of your personal soul picture, bound, including 60 minutes of personal conversation via telephone or online via Zoom
122 euros.
Soul Image Reading Sample
If you would like to have an insight into what your personal soul picture could look like, then click on the button "Download sample".
Hier findest du mich in München:
Naturheilpraxis Iovine
Hohenzollernstr. 112
80796 München
Hier findest du mich in München:
Naturheilpraxis Iovine
Hohenzollernstr. 112
80796 München
Hier findest du mich in München:
Naturheilpraxis Iovine
Hohenzollernstr. 112
80796 München
Naturopathy practice Patricia Hangl