The Kabbalah

Die Kabbala - Weisheit deines Lebens!

The Kabbalah - Wisdom of your life!

The Kabbalah Wisdom of your life!

The Kabbalah, the book of wisdom and life. Kabbalah is Hebrew and has several meanings, e.g. "to receive", "to transmit", "to reveal". In your personal book of life you will receive many answers to your questions. It serves as a key to your ownan inner being – to your soul.

Kabbalah - mysticism or facts calculated from your date of birth?

Both together make up your book of life with valuable tips for your inner growth.

Do you remember when you were a child and were in situations that you didn't understand, that were a mystery to you? You took some of these things for granted until now, but you were never able to fully grasp them or unravel them.

You exist, you live. Some things are just like that, some feelings, you could also call them intuition, you accept without paying any further attention to them.

The Kabbalah, which is calculated specifically for you from your birth date, brings these profound secrets to the surface and thereby provides you with more insight into your inner self. It is like a light that opens your eyes. It inspires you, guides you and gives you the wisdom to heal. You were born under a certain star, and you can discover through the Kabbalah what this unique constellation and time gave you in life.

While reading, you will certainly have moments when a "YES", I always knew that... pops into your head. And perhaps a realization that you have been living against yourself and your inner voice for a long time.

Kabbalah is the teaching of miracles...the miracles that you have always carried hidden within you and that you can now bring to light in order to integrate them into your life.

Look forward to the wonders of your soul!

Kabbalah Life Analysis

Kabbalah Relationship Analysis

Kabbalah factual analysis

Soul image

The Kabbalah, the book of wisdom and life. Kabbalah is Hebrew and has several meanings, e.g. "to receive", "to transmit", "to reveal". In your personal book of life you will receive many answers to your questions. It serves as a key to your ownan inner being – to your soul.

Kabbalah - mysticism or facts calculated from your date of birth?

Both together make up your book of life with valuable tips for your inner growth.

Do you remember when you were a child and were in situations that you didn't understand, that were a mystery to you? You took some of these things for granted until now, but you were never able to fully grasp them or unravel them.

You exist, you live. Some things are just like that, some feelings, you could also call them intuition, you accept without paying any further attention to them.

The Kabbalah, which is calculated specifically for you from your birth date, brings these profound secrets to the surface and thereby provides you with more insight into your inner self. It is like a light that opens your eyes. It inspires you, guides you and gives you the wisdom to heal. You were born under a certain star, and you can discover through the Kabbalah what this unique constellation and time gave you in life.

While reading, you will certainly have moments when a "YES", I always knew that... pops into your head. And perhaps a realization that you have been living against yourself and your inner voice for a long time.

Kabbalah is the teaching of miracles...the miracles that you have always carried hidden within you and that you can now bring to light in order to integrate them into your life.

Look forward to the wonders of your soul!

Die Kabbala, das Buch der Weisheit und des Lebens. Kabbala ist hebräisch und hat mehrere Bedeutungen, z.B. „empfangen“, „überliefern“, offenbaren. In deinem persönlichen Buch des Lebens bekommst du viele Antworten auf deine Fragen. Es dient als Schlüs-sel zum eigenen inneren Wesen – zu deiner Seele.

Kabbala - Mystik oder Fakten aus deinem Geburtsdatum errechnet?

Beides zusammen ergibt dein Buch des Lebens mit wertvollen Hinweisen für dein inneres Wachstum.

Weißt du noch, wie du als Kind in Situationen warst, die du nicht verstanden hast, die für dich ein Geheimnis dargestellt haben. Einige dieser Dinge hast du bis jetzt als selbstverständlich angesehen, konntest sie aber nie ganz erfassen in deiner Wahrnehmung oder enträtseln.

Du existierst, du lebst.

Manche Dinge sind einfach so, manche Gefühle, man könnte es auch Intuition nennen, nimmt man hin ohne sie weiter zu beachten.

Die Kabbala, die speziell für dich aus deinem Geburtsdatum berechnet wird bringt diese tiefgründigen Geheimnisse an die Oberfläche und liefert dir dadurch mehr Einsichten in dein Inneres. Sie ist wie ein Licht, dass dir die Augen öffnet. Sie inspiriert dich, leitet dich und gibt dir die Weisheit zur Heilung. Deine Geburt stand unter einem bestimmten Stern, was dir diese einzigartige Konstellation und Zeit mit ins Leben gegeben hast kannst du durch die Kabbala entdecken.

Sicherlich hast du beim Lesen auch Momente, in denen dir ein ..."JA", das wusste ich schon den Kopf schießt. Und vielleicht ein Erkennen, dass du lange gegen dich und deine innere Stimme gelebt hast.

Die Kabbala ist die Lehre der Wunder....der Wunder, die du immer schon im Verborgenen in dir trägst und die du nun ans Licht bringen darfst um sie in dein Leben zu integrieren.

Freu dich auf die Wunder deiner Seele!

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