You feel permanently exhausted and listless!
Inner Unrest is often noticeable and you don't know where this feeling comes from!
You feel that you are in our Performance society can no longer exist!
can come into your life! You want to feel powerful again?! You want to be able
be, your inner
to control yourself with the tools learned in the workshops?
Then these 3 workshops are
to you!
You feel permanently exhausted and listless!
Inner Unrest is often noticeable and you don't know where this feeling comes from!
You feel that you are in our Performance society can no longer exist!
can come into your life! You want to feel powerful again?! You want to be able
be, your inner
to control yourself with the tools learned in the workshops?
Du fühlst dich dauererschöpft und lustlos!
Innere Unruhe macht sich oft bemerkbar und du weißt nicht wo dieses Gefühl her kommt!
Du fühlst, dass du in unserer Leistungsgesellschaft nicht mehr bestehen kannst!
Veränderung darf in dein Leben kommen! Du willst dich wieder kraftvoll fühlen?! Du möchtest in der Lage
sein, deine innere
Balance mit den in den Workshops erlernten Tools selbst zu steuern?
Dann sind diese 3 Workshops
richtig für dich!
Clean your system, protect yourself from foreign energies and come back into the balance !
We live in challenging times. Much of the external
you and your
thoughts and feelings
ride a rollercoaster. Often you no longer know how to bring yourself back to your center.
In my energetic clearing sessions with my patients I see again and again
through assumed evaluations, foreign energies and self-created blockages. Over the years, obstacles have built up and interrupt the flow of energy. Accumulated and
unprocessed feelings
make the “barrel overflow” and also cause physical symptoms in the long term.
In practical exercises I will show you how to
Clean system
, you learn
to protect you
and after the workshops you will be able to
Energy storage
any time
to fill
Thanks to my many years of experience as a naturopath, I have many helpful tools at hand that you can also use at home after the workshops.
Dann sind diese 3 Workshops richtig für dich!
Clean your system, protect yourself from foreign energies and come back into the balance !
We live in challenging times. Much of the external
you and your
thoughts and feelings
ride a rollercoaster. Often you no longer know how to bring yourself back to your center.
In my energetic clearing sessions with my patients I see again and again
through assumed evaluations, foreign energies and self-created blockages. Over the years, obstacles have built up and interrupt the flow of energy. Accumulated and
unprocessed feelings
make the “barrel overflow” and also cause physical symptoms in the long term.
In practical exercises I will show you how to
Clean system
, you learn
to protect you
and after the workshops you will be able to
Energy storage
any time
to fill
Thanks to my many years of experience as a naturopath, I have many helpful tools at hand that you can also use at home after the workshops.
Clean your system, protect yourself from foreign energies and come back into the balance !
We live in challenging times. Much of the external
you and your
thoughts and feelings
ride a rollercoaster. Often you no longer know how to bring yourself back to your center.
In my energetic clearing sessions with my patients I see again and again
through assumed evaluations, foreign energies and self-created blockages. Over the years, obstacles have built up and interrupt the flow of energy. Accumulated and
unprocessed feelings
make the “barrel overflow” and also cause physical symptoms in the long term.
In practical exercises I will show you how to
Clean system
, you learn
to protect you
and after the workshops you will be able to
Energy storage
any time
to fill
Thanks to my many years of experience as a naturopath, I have many helpful tools at hand that you can also use at home after the workshops.
New date being planned!
Clean your entire system!
A pure mind works with clarity, a pure body feels good and healthy. You hear the messages of your soul!
Internal cleansing is as important as a daily shower.
Cleanse your thoughts, your feelings
and get back into balance.
As within, so without! After the workshop, you will already have your first experiences with your new charisma. You will attract,
what you are. Pure, clear and shining!
What do you learn in the workshop?
- Everything is energy – vibrate high and change your reality!
New date being planned!
Clean your entire system!
A pure mind works with clarity, a pure body feels good and healthy. You hear the messages of your soul!
Internal cleansing is as important as a daily shower.
Cleanse your thoughts, your feelings
and get back into balance.
As within, so without! After the workshop, you will already have your first experiences with your new charisma. You will attract,
what you are. Pure, clear and shining!
What do you learn in the workshop?
JOY OF ENERGY - Everything is energy – vibrate high and change your reality!
Neuer Termin in Planung!
Reinige dein gesamtes System!
Ein reiner Geist arbeitet mit Klarheit, ein reiner Körper fühlt sich wohl und gesund. Du hörst die Botschaften deiner Seele!
Innere Reinigung ist so wichtig, wie die tägliche Dusche.
Reinige deine Gedanken, deine Gefühle und komm wieder in Balance.
Wie im Innen, so im Außen! Nach dem Workshop machst du bereits erste Erfahrungen mit deiner neuen Ausstrahlung. Du ziehst an,
was du bist. Rein, klar und leuchtend!
Was lernst du im Workshop?
JOY OF ENERGY - Alles ist Energie – Schwinge hoch und verändere Deine Realität!
Neuer Termin in Planung!
Schütze dein System nachhaltig vor Fremdenergien!
Nachdem du gelernt hast, deinen Körper, Geist und Seele zu reinigen, zeige ich dir in diesem Workshop, wie du dich nachhaltig schützen kannst. Du bist in der Lage, Energievampire zu erkennen, deine Energien bei dir zu behalten um dadurch dein System zu unterstützen und in deiner Mitte zu bleiben. Du lernst Grenzen zu setzen und frei davon zu sein, deine Energien an andere Menschen und Wesenheiten zu verlieren.
Was lernst du im Workshop?
JOY OF ENERGY - Alles ist Energie – Schwinge hoch und verändere Deine Realität!
New date being planned!
Protect your system sustainably from external energies!
After you have learned to cleanse your body, mind and soul, I will show you in this workshop how to
protect sustainably
You are able to recognize energy vampires, keep your energies with you and thereby support your system and stay centered. You learn
and to be free from losing your energies to other people and entities.
What do you learn in the workshop?
- Everything is energy – vibrate high and change your reality!
Neuer Termin in Planung!
Schütze dein System nachhaltig vor Fremdenergien!
Nachdem du gelernt hast, deinen Körper, Geist und Seele zu reinigen, zeige ich dir in diesem Workshop, wie du dich nachhaltig schützen kannst. Du bist in der Lage, Energievampire zu erkennen, deine Energien bei dir zu behalten um dadurch dein System zu unterstützen und in deiner Mitte zu bleiben. Du lernst Grenzen zu setzen und frei davon zu sein, deine Energien an andere Menschen und Wesenheiten zu verlieren.
Was lernst du im Workshop?
JOY OF ENERGY - Alles ist Energie – Schwinge hoch und verändere Deine Realität!
New date being planned!
Fill yourself up with infinite energy!
You are now an expert in cleaning and protecting yourself. In this workshop I will show you how to energize your system with ease. Feel the
infinite, powerful resource
, which is available to you at any time. Recharge your body, mind and soul to go through life with stability. After this workshop, you will be able to face all of life's storms calmly, you will have supportive tools for your being in balance.
What do you learn in the workshop?
- Everything is energy – vibrate high and change your reality!
New date being planned!
Fill yourself up with infinite energy!
You are now an expert in cleaning and protecting yourself. In this workshop I will show you how to energize your system with ease. Feel the
infinite, powerful resource
, which is available to you at any time. Recharge your body, mind and soul to go through life with stability. After this workshop, you will be able to face all of life's storms calmly, you will have supportive tools for your being in balance.
What do you learn in the workshop?
- Everything is energy – vibrate high and change your reality!
New date being planned!
Fill yourself up with infinite energy!
You are now an expert in cleaning and protecting yourself. In this workshop I will show you how to energize your system with ease. Feel the
infinite, powerful resource
, which is available to you at any time. Recharge your body, mind and soul to go through life with stability. After this workshop, you will be able to face all of life's storms calmly, you will have supportive tools for your being in balance.
What do you learn in the workshop?
JOY OF ENERGY - Everything is energy – vibrate high and change your reality!
1 workshop – Euro 55.00 incl. VAT
2 workshops – Euro 100.00 incl. VAT (Save 10 euros compared to the individual price!)
3 workshops – Euro 145.00 incl. VAT (Save 20 Euro compared to the individual price!)
You can book one or more workshops. If you book and pay for all three units at the same time, the cost per workshop is €48.00.
Each workshop lasts 2 hours.
I ask for binding registration by email and confirm your booking in writing after you confirm. I will send you the Zoom link. Please install Zoom on your computer or mobile phone beforehand. Even if you are on vacation, you can take part in the workshop at any time, regardless of location.
Payment is made in advance by bank transfer to the account that I will communicate to you by email.
I look forward to you!
Heartfelt greetings
1 workshop – Euro 55.00 incl. VAT
2 workshops – Euro 100.00 incl. VAT (Save 10 euros compared to the individual price!)
3 workshops – Euro 145.00 incl. VAT (Save 20 Euro compared to the individual price!)
You can book one or more workshops. If you book and pay for all three units at the same time, the cost per workshop is €48.00.
Each workshop lasts 2 hours.
I ask for binding registration by email and confirm your booking in writing after you have confirmed. I will send you the Zoom link. Please install Zoom on your computer or mobile phone beforehand. Even if you are on vacation, you can take part in the workshop at any time, regardless of location.
Payment is made in advance by bank transfer to the account that I will communicate to you by email.
I look forward to you!
Heartfelt greetings
1 Workshop – Euro 55,00 inkl. MwSt.
2 Workshops – Euro 100,00 inkl. MwSt. (Spare 10 Euro gegenüber dem Einzelpreis!)
3 Workshops – Euro 145,00 inkl. MwSt. (Spare 20 Euro gegenüber dem Einzelpreis!)
Du kannst einen oder mehrere Workshops buchen. Bei Buchung und gleichzeitiger Bezahlung aller drei Einheiten betragen die Kosten pro Workshop Euro 48,00.
Jeder Workshop dauert 2 Stunden.
Ich bitte um verbindliche Anmeldung per Email und bestätige dir deine Buchung schriftlich nach deiner Zusage. Den Zoom Link schicke ich dir zu. Bitte installiere Zoom vorab auf deinem Computer oder auf deinem Handy. Auch wenn du gerade im Urlaub bist, kannst du jederzeit ortsunabhängig an dem Workshop teilnehmen.
Zahlung erfolgt vorab per Überweisung auf das Konto, dass ich dir per Email mitteile.
Ich freue mich auf dich!
Hier findest du mich in München:
Naturheilpraxis Iovine
Hohenzollernstr. 112
80796 München
Hier findest du mich in München:
Naturheilpraxis Iovine
Hohenzollernstr. 112
80796 München
Hier findest du mich in München:
Naturheilpraxis Iovine
Hohenzollernstr. 112
80796 München
Naturopathy practice Patricia Hangl